4 Free Cloud Based Quantum Machine Learning Services

December 18, 2023 3 mins to read

Quantum Computing is no longer a buzzword confined to academic papers and tech visionary talks. It’s an evolving reality and a soon-to-be critical resource in the machine learning toolbox, with cloud-based platforms making quantum computing resources accessible to a broader audience. Explore four free cloud based quantum machine learning services that are shaping the future of computation: Azure Quantum (Microsoft Azure), Amazon Braket (AWS), IBM Quantum Platform, and D-Wave Leap. Each offers unique capabilities and free access models, making them a playground for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

1. Azure Quantum (Microsoft Azure)

Azure Quantum, a service from Microsoft Azure, is a comprehensive quantum computing ecosystem. It integrates diverse quantum hardware and software solutions, enabling users to run experiments on various quantum systems.


  • Support for multiple quantum SDKs like Q#, Qiskit, and Cirq.
  • Hosted Jupyter notebooks.
  • Access to a portfolio of quantum hardware.
  • Educational resources including tutorials, case studies, and a university curriculum.

Free Service Stipulations: Azure Quantum provides free access to hosted Jupyter notebooks and educational resources. Users can get started with no installation and an open-source development kit. The platform, however, may have limitations on the usage of quantum hardware for free accounts​.

2. Amazon Braket (AWS)

Amazon Braket by AWS positions itself as a fully managed quantum computing service, designed to accelerate quantum computing research and software development.


  • A unified environment to work with different quantum computers and simulators.
  • Tools for algorithm development and quantum hardware research.
  • AWS Cloud Credit for Research Program.
  • Braket Direct for dedicated device access and expert advice.

Free Service Stipulations: Amazon Braket offers one free hour of simulation time per month under the AWS Free Tier. This allows users to explore and develop quantum algorithms without immediate costs. Beyond this, usage is subject to AWS’s pricing policies​.

3. IBM Quantum Platform

The IBM Quantum Platform is a gateway to IBM’s quantum computing capabilities, offering a rich set of tools and resources for quantum experimentation.


  • Access to quantum compute resources.
  • API for integrating quantum capabilities.
  • Extensive learning resources including courses, tutorials, and tools like Composer or Lab.

Free Service Stipulations: IBM Quantum Platform offers free access to learning resources and certain quantum computing capabilities.

4. D-Wave Leap

D-Wave Leap is known for its focus on quantum annealing technology, offering cloud-based access to its quantum computers.


  • Access to D-Wave’s 2000Q quantum computer.
  • A community-driven environment with interactive examples and learning tools.
  • Real-time quantum computer access and a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE).

Free Service Stipulations: While the information on trial stipulation found is only as recent as 2018, D-Wave Leap provides or provided 1 minute of QPU access time for 1 month, or 20 minutes of hybrid solver time, or any combination of the two. This may be different now, however. D-Wave’s unique model allows users to experiment with quantum algorithms in real-time on their quantum annealer​.

Get Started Today By Experimenting With Free Cloud Based Quantum Machine Learning Services

The field of quantum computing is expanding fast, and these cloud-based platforms are at the forefront, offering unique opportunities for exploration and innovation. While some of these trials may seem a little light in terms of free computing time and resources, it’s important to remember that quantum computing means a user can do much more with much less. Each of these services has its own set of offerings and stipulations for free access, catering to a wide range of needs from learning and experimentation to actual algorithm development and research. As the quantum landscape continues to grow, these platforms are great starting points for anyone looking to delve into the world of quantum computing and machine learning.

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